Port Welshpool Long Jetty

The 900m long all-timber jetty was classified by the Trust in early 2012 at the state level. We have been working with the Long Jetty Action Group, who have been campaigning since 2003 to have the historic and engineering significance of the jetty (operated by Gippsland Ports) recognised and the jetty re-opened and restored.
Plans to restore the Jetty received a significant boost with the Victorian Coalition Government so far committing $5 million to the estimated $11 million restoration bill. The South Gippsland Shire Council has also allocated $1 million for the restoration. The recent debate has been about restoring the timber deck or replacing the deck with concrete. We spoke at the community meeting in November 2011 in support of the timber restoration and will be speaking at another community meeting this month. In October 2012 the Gippsland Trades and Labour Council issued a black ban on use of concrete on the jetty.
At the community meeting held in Port Welshpool on 15 November 2012 Paul Roser from NTVIC and John Parker from Gippsland Trades and Labour Council addressed the significance of the jetty and options for community action. The community resolved that the Long Jetty be restored with timber; that John Parker, Secretary of the Gippsland Trades and Labour Council, represent the community views to government; that the Jetty works be in stages starting with the first section to the Slipway Shed; that no part of the Long Jetty be removed until the commencement of its restoration.
The Trust will also make its own representation to government.
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No fisherman gives a damn about if it is in wood or concrete. Concrete I gather is more solid and does not corrode as much as wood? Not sure. At least concrete wont burn, isnt that what happened in the past? get on with it people, I will be in my grave by the time this damn once great pier for fishing is built. Fed up of the waiting as many are.
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