Point Nepean National Park Draft Master Plan

Parks Victoria is currently undertaking a review of the Point Nepean National Park Master Plan ‘to reflect government policy and community views.’ As taken from the Parks Victoria website:
‘The renewal seeks to validate the information and strategic intent of the draft master plan released in 2010 and build on knowledge gathered during engagement in 2010-2016.’
After reviewing the extensive report, the National Trust is generally supportive of the Master Plan, which includes discussion of site context, themes, vision, interpretation strategies, activation strategies for the Quarantine Station and an implementation strategy. The adaptive re-use of the Quarantine Station in particular is essential for ensuring the protection and conservation of Point Nepean’s natural and cultural values for the enjoyment of future generations.
The National Trust is pleased that appropriate consultation has been undertaken with the Traditional Owners. It is clear that the knowledge and understanding gained through this consultation has informed the key initiatives of the Master Plan at a number of levels, and Parks Victoria can be commended for this aspect of the plan. The National Trust welcomes the holistic approach that Parks Victoria has taken to developing an interpretation strategy for the site. The proposed inclusive interpretations would have positive benefits for the community in terms of telling the layers of complex histories that the site holds.
In providing constructive feedback in response to the Master Plan, in our submission the National Trust focused attention on additional measures to protect the natural values of the Point Nepean National Park, which should be a priority in the ongoing protection and activation of the site into the future. We recommended that strategies should be developed to ensure that access is carefully managed, and that increased access across the site does not adversely impact on the natural and cultural values of the place. The National Trust also strongly believes that this plan is worthy of bipartisan support, which is essential given the last ten years of indecision has slowed down progress of conservation and finding a suitable, ongoing use for the site. Bipartisan agreement on the future of Point Nepean would give confidence to the community that the Master Plan would be supported and funded in the long-term.
To read our submission in full, click here.

View looking toward the western section of the Quarantine Station from the Badcoe Hall. The Quarantine Station run continuously between 1852 and 1980. In 1988 the area became the Point Nepean National Park, including all the land from Quarantine Station to the heads. In 1999 the Quarantine Station provided accommodation for approximately 400 Kosovo refugees. Since this time the buildings have been largely unused.

View toward Hospital 4 at the Quarantine Station. There are 52 heritage-listed buildings at the Quarantine Station, many of which are proposed be made available for adaptive reuse through partnerships between Parks Victoria, the community and the private sector. Adaptive reuse of these buildings will ensure the long term sustainability and protection of the Quarantine Station.

The intention to restore and interpret the Fumigation & Boilerhouse area as part of the Draft Master Plan is positive, given that the machinery and infrastructure of these buildings make them unsuitable for adaptive reuse.

On-site reading of Country by the site’s Traditional Owners during consultation with Parks Victoria. Published on page 29 of the Point Nepean Draft Master Plan. Knowledge and stories from the Traditional Owners are proposed to be interpreted across the entire site.

View at the head of Point Nepean looking toward Queenscliff. Featuring the fortress and old tunnels, set to be conserved and enhanced as part of the Draft Master Plan. This infrastructure forms an important part of Victoria’s defence heritage. Photograph by John T Collins, 1970. State Library of Victoria.
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