8 May 2014
National Trust & City of Ballarat Heritage Awards Winners 2014
The annual awards were held in the lead-up to Ballarat Heritage Weekend which will take place this weekend. Twenty finalists were recognised across…
5 May 2014
Planning Panel for Melbourne Planning Scheme Amendment C198 underway
This week Melbourne C198 comes under the spotlight as the Planning Panel reviews submissions to the forty places and five precincts recommended for…
5 May 2014
Heritage overlay goes wonky in Wodonga – Wodonga Heritage Amendment C97
Councillors at the Rural City of Wodonga have gone against the advice of the independent planning panel appointed to review the recent heritage ame…
1 May 2014
Total House, Russell Street Melbourne – a win – to be added to Victorian Heritage Register
Following the hearing before the Registrations Committee of the Heritage Council in February 2014, the Heritage Council has determined to add Total…
27 April 2014
Yendon Avenue of Honour restored
The town of Yendon have held a commemorative procession featuring the Creswick RSL Light Horse to acknowledge that the town’s Avenue of Honour is f…
15 April 2014
Woodend Avenue of Honour commemorates WWI
The National Trust will be holding a commemoration event for the Woodend Avenue of Honour this coming Anzac Day.
Some 370 men and four women who…
8 April 2014
New Residential Zones and relationship to heritage controls in Victoria
In July 2013 amendments to residential zones were introduced into the Victoria Planning Provisions (VPP). This included:
• the introduction of thr…
4 April 2014
Forum Theatre and proposed hotel tower
The proposed restoration of the Forum Theatre is a welcome proposition by the Marriner Group. This exotic one-of-a-kind building has endured (enjoy…
4 April 2014
Ballarat Heritage Awards shortlist
The shortlist for Heritage Award winners for City of Ballarat have been announced.
Since 2011 we have been developing our regional Heritage Awa…
3 April 2014
Oriental Hotel Williamstown considered by Heritage Council
Hobsons Bay Council decision to refuse a permit for demolition of 1854 Oriental Hotel was overturned at VCAT in December 2013. The Oriental is a ve…