28 May 2014
Street art: ephemerality challenging the sanction of permanence
In 2010 the Brumby government asked Heritage Victoria to undertake a study assessing the heritage value of culturally significant street art in Mel…
27 May 2014
Plan Melbourne – Initiative 4.6.1 Planning for ”distinctiveness”
Plan Melbourne includes Direction 4.6 – Create More Great Public Places Throughout Melbourne.
“Metropolitan Melbourne is a mosaic of diverse nat…
20 May 2014
Plan Melbourne released May 2014 – heritage incentives
Plan Melbourne 2014 includes an initiative to create incentives for heritage conservation. The specific short-term initiative is: “Investigate the …
19 May 2014
A Journey through Melbourne’s Modernism
Melbourne’s Modernism has some new advocates following two Heritage Festival walking tours led by the National Trust of Australia (Victoria)’s Buil…
16 May 2014
Goods Shed No.2 – up to no good again
Equiset Grollo Group has applied for a Heritage Victoria permit for the redevelopment of southern end of the No. 2 Goods Shed (north) at 708-710 C…
15 May 2014
Hotels in our National Parks, but not for Hanging Rock
Planning Minister Matthew Guy and Environment Minister Ryan Smith have jointly announced a $1M maintenance fund to repair and upkeep the grounds an…
10 May 2014
East-West Link
The Minister for Planning has notified the Heritage Council of Victoria that he is ”calling-in” the matter of the potential registration of Royal…
9 May 2014
Mount Buffalo Chalet: more than just a picture postcard
Heritage Victoria has conditionally approved a permit for the proposed works at Mount Buffalo Chalet. The permit allows for conservation works to t…
8 May 2014
National Trust Art Journey on Collins Street
As part of the National Trust Heritage Festival, a group of 20 enthusiastic art lovers spent a glorious autumn morning with members of the Trust’s …
8 May 2014
National Trust Western District Landscape Tour
As part of the 2014 Heritage Festival, the National Trust Landscape Advisory Committee lead 47 Trust members and friends on the Western District La…