New plans for Pentridge Prison to be considered by Heritage Victoria

Following the recent news that Heritage Victoria has granted a permit for a controversial 16-storey tower at the former Pentridge Prison, the National Trust Advocacy Team this week responded to two major applications for new developments at B Division and A Division.
The B Division permit is for an 18-level residential and hotel tower to the southwest of B Division; adaptive reuse of B Division and the B Division annex; openings in the historic bluestone walls; and the redevelopment of the south-east exercise yard.
To read the National Trust submission in response to this permit application, click here.

Artistic impression of the point of view between the future retail buildings, showing Division E on the right and Division B in the distance

An artistic impression of the future piazza together with Division E, and the heritage administration building on the left.
The application for A Division is for a retail and cinema complex on the former “C” Division site, integrated with the “A” Division cell block to be adaptively reused as part of the project,
To read the National Trust submission in response to this permit application, click here.

The new retail building is to be located in the centre of the Pentridge Coburg site and is proposed to be ‘surrounded by a variety of publicly accessible interfaces.’
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