Mount Buffalo Chalet: more than just a picture postcard

Heritage Victoria has conditionally approved a permit for the proposed works at Mount Buffalo Chalet. The permit allows for conservation works to the main Chalet frontage while permitting demolition to the Chalet’s rear additions and outbuildings. Approximately 40% of significant fabric will be demolished in a desire to “clean up” the heritage place and to seemingly restore the Chalet to its “former glory.” In preparation of the works, 600 lots with over 1500 different individual items were sold Sunday 4 May at the Chalet. The sale allowed public access to the Chalet for the first time since the place was closed following bush fire threats in 2007. In its search to attract future redevelopment to the site, the state government has allocated $7.5 million to restore the front Chalet building, establish a day visitor centre and it has extended the lease on the property to up to 99 years. The National Trust submitted to Heritage Victoria the importance of not allowing speculative demolition to be pursued where there is no master plan or identified future use.
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