Moorabool Amendment C6

Amendment C6 was exhibited by Moorabool Shire in July 2010. The Bacchus Marsh Heritage Study (1995) has been unimplemented on a Council shelf until recently, following an earlier aborted attempt in 2002. The Shire is trying to implement the work contained in the heritage study undertaken in 1995 for the former Shire of Bacchus Marsh and around 170 individual places are recommended for inclusion in the heritage overlay. The National Trust made a submission supporting the amendment.
At a Council meeting on 18 August, Council resolved to defer consideration, and separate out places for referral to Assemblies of Council in the following order of priority:
- Public buildings including churches;
- geographical places e.g. avenues of honour and river gorges;
- private residences.
Council met on 17 November 2010 to consider implementation of the long delayed Bacchus Marsh Heritage Study Council, and resolved to split the amendment in a bizarre and complex manner. Council resolved “to develop a policy on selection criteria for inclusion in the Heritage Overlay for amendment C06 to the Moorabool Planning Scheme for Private Residences.”
It would have been much simpler, as recommended by the Council’s planning team, to refer all the objections to a Planning Panel in the usual manner!
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