Mayday Hills permit upheld

The Heritage Council of Victoria have handed down their decision regarding the Mayday Hills permit appeal hearing held in April 2015.
The decision speaks for itself – click here to download the decision in full.
In summary, the permit was granted with conditions that require:
- a qualified person to assess this history and condition of the current entrance fence, prior to repair or reconstruction;
- reinstatement of the metal gates currently standing in front of the old stables;
- a qualified person with major heritage project experience be engaged to oversee the works proposed;
- a conservation analysis & condition report, and plans and specifications for works;
- establishment of an Owners Corporation to care for the grounds, landscaping and appearance of the site; and,
- a heritage covenant to enforce a binding Landscape Maintenance and Management Plan and binding Building Management Plan with Design Guidelines on the current owners and any future owners.
The decision allows some changes to the lot boundaries around the old Kiosk building, old Toy Shop building and associated verandahs to allow for external building maintenance while still maintaining pedestrian movement amongst the buildings and across the site. It also removes the requirement for allocated parking spaces, but retains a requirement for a parking plan that will contain parking to the paved areas of the property to avoid compaction of soil under trees.
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