Heritage Victoria Approves Pentridge Tower

In news just to hand, Heritage Victoria has given the green light to a controversial 8-storey tower at 11 Urquhart Street, Coburg. The permit, including permit conditions, can be downloaded here.
Future Estate, the new owners of the southern portion of the Pentridge Prison site, known as the Coburg Quarter (formerly Pentridge Village), are seeking an amended permit for an 8-storey residential development on Urquhart Street, wedged between the western boundary wall and the former G Division (currently being developed as a childcare centre). There is already an active permit for this site, which Future Estate is seeking to amend. Differences between the approved development and the new proposal include a reduction in setbacks from the site boundaries, an additional pedestrian opening in the bluestone wall, and an increase in the wall opening for vehicular access. All of these issues are addressed in the National Trust’s objection, which can be found here.
Some of these concerns are reflected in the conditions placed on the approved permit, including the size and treatment of wall openings and signage on the bluestone perimeter wall, as well as a requirement to erect interpretation signage. Under the Heritage Act 1995, there is no third party right of appeal against the permit.
In a parallel process, Moreland Council, supported by residents, has recently defended a refusal to issue a permit for the 11 proposed Urquhart Street development at VCAT, with the decision still some weeks away. Meanwhile, late last night, at a marathon Council meeting, Moreland Councillors also debated a possible review of the masterplans for the site, discussing a range of issues including those raised by the National Trust in a submission regarding the agenda item, but the item was ultimately deferred. Council’s report is online here.
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