Have Your Say: World Heritage Environs Strategy Plan

The Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens (REB&CG) World Heritage Management Plan has reached the next stage in its development, with the Draft Strategy Plan now on exhibition for public comment.
The Strategy Plan sets out strategies for the appropriate use of the World Heritage Environs Area, which acts as a ‘buffer zone’ to protect the World Heritage values of the REB&CG. The World Heritage Environs Area also protects views and vistas to the site.
Draft Planning Scheme amendments for the City of Melbourne and City of Yarra are also open to view and respond to.
Have Your Say
Anyone wishing to contribute is encouraged to provide submissions on the draft Strategy Plan and/or the proposed planning scheme controls to the Heritage Council of Victoria.
CLICK HERE to access the survey and all the documents under review as they become available. The site also includes an Explanatory Report and a Visual Framework, which provide more background on the World Heritage Environs Area.
Image credit: Eric Fidler via Flickr
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