21 August 2018
Demolition of 27 Mariemont Avenue, Beaumaris
Hear our Advocacy Manager Felicity Watson speaking with ABC Radio Melbourne Breakfast regarding the demolition of 27 Mariemont Ave Beaumaris, a mag…
21 August 2018
Significant Trees in Moonee Valley
In August we made a submission in support of Amendment C179 prepared by the Moonee Valley City Council which proposes to implement protection for 2…
7 August 2018
City of Melbourne Councillors vote in support of QVM “People’s Panel”
On 7 August, City of Melbourne Councillors supported the adoption of a new model of consultation for the Queen Victoria Market renewal program, rec…
7 August 2018
A history of Federation Square
Federation Square is located on the traditional lands of the Kulin Nation. The site of Federation Square at early colonial settlement was an open s…
7 August 2018
Federation Square: Statement of Cultural Heritage Significance
On 25 July 2018, the Board of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) resolved to classify Federation Square on the National Trust’s Register of…
31 July 2018
National Trust Nominates Federation Square to the Victorian Heritage Register
The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) has nominated Federation Square to the Victorian Heritage Register to recognise the site as a place of h…
21 July 2018
National Trust supports increased Heritage Overlay Protection for Mornington Peninsula
In June we made a submission in support for Amendment C214 which proposes heritage overlay protection for 53 new individual heritage places and 1 n…
9 July 2018
National Trust objects to demolition of historic Newport Masonic Hall
The National Trust has objected to the proposed demolition of a historic Masonic Hall, a prominent landmark on Melbourne Road in Newport. The curre…
6 July 2018
National Trust calls for Banyule Council to seek interim protection for Mary Immaculate Church, Ivanhoe
The National Trust has called on the City of Banyule to urgently apply to the Minister for Planning for an interim heritage overlay for Mary Immacu…
4 July 2018
National Trust opposes application to relocate rare gold rush building in Fitzroy North
In June, the National Trust objected to a Heritage Victoria permit application for the relocation of the Porter Prefabricated Iron Store, located o…