Mount Buffalo Chalet Redevelopment Artist’s Impression Released

An emotive artist’s impression of the proposed first stage of the Mount Buffalo Chalet redevelopment has been released on the Parks Victoria website. The render image follows Heritage Victoria’s decision in May to issue a permit to allow conservation works to the main Chalet frontage while permitting demolition to the Chalet’s rear additions and outbuildings. The National Trust made a submission to Heritage Victoria concerned that approximately 40% of the significant fabric will be demolished in a desire to “clean up” the heritage place and to seemingly restore the Chalet to its “former glory.”
In its search to attract future redevelopment to the site, the state government has allocated $7.5 million to restore the front Chalet building, establish a day visitor centre and it has extended the lease on the property to up to 99 years. Parks Victoria anticipates the redevelopment project to go to tender this spring.
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