New 8-Storey Development proposed for Pentridge

With Heritage Victoria still assessing a controversial proposal by the Shayher Group for a 19-storey tower at Pentridge, Future Estate, the new owners of the southern portion of the site, known as the Coburg Quarter (formerly Pentridge Village), are seeking an amended permit for an 8-storey residential development on Urquhart Street, wedged between the western boundary wall and the former G Division (currently being developed as a childcare centre).
There is already an active permit for this site, which Future Estate is seeking to amend. Differences between the approved development and the new proposal include a reduction in setbacks from the site boundaries, an additional pedestrian opening in the bluestone wall, and an increase in the wall opening for vehicular access. All of these issues are addressed in the National Trust’s objection, which can be downloaded here.
Submissions on the proposal can be made to Moreland Council, with documentation available in the “Application Enquiries” section of Moreland’s eServices website (search for application no. MPS/2011/12647/B).
While it has been positive to see recent announcements about new initiatives at Pentridge such as a new microbrewery and retail strip which will activate the precinct, a new masterplan being developed for the site is yet to be made available to the public.
Meanwhile, we must applaud the efforts of local residents and politicians, spearheaded by Larry De Cata, to save a spectacular heritage-listed spotted gum on Champ Street which is threatened by road works at the Pentridge site. Despite a recent VCAT decision upholding Council’s approval of the tree’s removal, community outrage has prompted a re-think, with Council and the site owner now working towards an alternative scheme which would see the retention of the tree.
Residents who are concerned about development at Pentridge can join the Pentridge Community Action Group by emailing [email protected]. The Group’s next meeting will be on 4 May.

Local residents and local MP Kelvin Thomson at a rally on 13 April to save the Champ Street spotted gum. (Source: Save Coburg facebook group)
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